Stearns Wharf, a wharf with a wooden structure featuring colorful umbrellas extends over the water, with palm trees and mountains in the background.

What is your Pet Policy?

Dogs are allowed Stearns Wharf and there are rules/laws/regulations that govern animals and/or dogs. Most of the laws are common among municipalities. For example, dogs must be on a leash, less than 6′ in length, the dog must always be under the immediate control of the owner, you must clean up after your dog, and for Santa Barbara dogs are not permitted on the beach in city limits and dogs left in vehicles when the weather is hot is not advised.

There are a couple of restaurants that have outdoor seating that may allow you to have your dog sit nearby while you enjoy a burger (Char West-805-962-5631) or a lobster taco (SB Shellfish 805-966-6676). For complete details on our animal regulations, please visit our website, (Municipal code, section 6) , or feel free to contact the Waterfront Department’s Property Management Specialist, Patrick Henry at 805-897-1961 or Patrick Henry.