Stearns Wharf, a wharf with a wooden structure featuring colorful umbrellas extends over the water, with palm trees and mountains in the background.

Is there Tour and Charter Bus Parking?

Any vehicle over 20′ is prohibited from accessing Stearns Wharf because of the limited turning radius and other considerations on Stearns Wharf. All tour buses can park in the zone designated “Tour Bus Parking” near the Santa Barbara Visitor Center, on Cabrillo Blvd. just past the Garden St. intersection.

A mere 50 yards away is Stearns Wharf, where a medley of shops, restaurants, a museum, wine tasting, renting fishing gear or even get your palm read, all of this and more await you. A short stroll up the Wharf gives the casual stroller the beautiful views of the Harbor (where all the boats are parked), the panoramic views of the mountains as well as the islands offshore.

Tour and Charter Bus directions for parking on Cabrillo Blvd. If you are coming from the south (going North on 101), exit at Garden, turn left at the bottom of the off-ramp, proceed until you reach Cabrillo, then turn right on park on the right in the designated Charter bus parking zone.

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