Stearns Wharf, a wharf with a wooden structure featuring colorful umbrellas extends over the water, with palm trees and mountains in the background.

Can Carts or Stands be set up on Stearns Wharf?

No Requests for Donations or Businesses Allowed

We do not permit person(s) to “set up a station” for selling/displaying of any items for sale, massages, etc. We do not permit any requests for donations or sales in the roadway or on the walkway since the free flow of vehicular traffic and pedestrian traffic is paramount for everyone’s safety and enjoyment. Stearns Wharf is an old wooden wharf with very limited space.

Any merchant-related ventures (no carts or stands)

We appreciate your interest in wishing to conduct business in the Santa Barbara Waterfront. We receive numerous business proposals annually and although we appreciate you wanting to do business in the Waterfront, we do not allow these types of business activities. As far as the permissibility of such an operation I can direct you to our Municipal Code.

  • SB Municipal Code Chapter 17.28.010: Permit Required – Business Activity: Except as expressly authorized in writing by the Waterfront Director or his or her designee, no person shall engage in any business or commercial activity of any kind whatsoever in the Harbor District without first having applied for and obtained the appropriate license, lease or permit. (Ord. 5528, 2010; Ord. 4757, 1992; Ord. 3517 §2(part), 1972.)

The Harbor District as defined in the Municipal Code Section 17.04.010.M is the entire waterfront of the City. More specifically: M. HARBOR DISTRICT. The entire Waterfront of the City, including all navigable waters and all tidelands and submerged lands, whether filled or unfilled, situated below the line of mean high tide, bounded by the limits of the City as now fixed or hereafter may be extended. (Ord. 5386, 2006; Ord. 4757, 1992; Prior Code §24.1.)

The entire Municipal Code is available at: and on Chapter 17.28 BUSINESS ACTIVITY AND ADVERTISING IN HARBOR. This section states that you must meet a number of criteria to do business in the Harbor including leasable space.

To inquire about any space for lease, feel free to contact the Waterfront Department’s Property Management Specialist, Patrick Henry at 805-897-1961 or [email protected].